League of Legends new items for bruisers

With the new season incoming, the season 11, League of Legends is having its usual big update as every year. In the past, jungle changes, drake changes, plants in the jungle, runes and (RIP) masteries and so on. Now it’s time for the items.
Many old items are deleted, we don’t know if in a permanent way or if they will come again someday, hopefully some of them will, Force of Nature is a good example, it was removed aprox. in Season 2 and now it’s back!
But, how the new items works? Are they actually good? For now not many things are set, but, at least for me, the new item system is very good, just requires work, balance and so on, but as a start, it is very good, the most important thing is that there are 2 kind of items. Mythic items and Legendary items, today we will talk about Mythic items.
In your inventory you just can have 1 Mythic, it will be your core build, also, it will buff you legendary items (and they basically are every other full item besides mythic), those are the Mythic items for fighters and what they do:
Trinity force:

+10 ability haste
+35 attack damage
+35% attack speed
+200 health
UNIQUE – THREEFOLD STRIKE: Basic attacks grant 25 bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. If the target is a champion also increases base attack damage by 6% for the same duration, stacking up to 5 times for a 30% increase.UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 200% base AD bonus physical damage on-hit (1.5 second cooldown).MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers your other Legendary items with 10% bonus attack speed.
Good for champs like Jax, Camille or Irelia.

+20 ability haste
+45 attack damage
+400 health
+150% base health regeneration
UNIQUE – SPITE: Gain 0% − 15% (based on missing health) bonus attack damage.MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.
UNIQUE – THIRSTING SLASH: Deal 110% AD physical damage to enemies in a 400-unit radius around you. Heal for 20% AD (+ 12% of your missing health) for each enemy champion hit (15 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
Good for champions like Renekton or Darius.

+10 ability haste
+50 attack damage
+20% attack speed
+300 health
UNIQUE – HEROIC GAIT: Dealing physical damage grants you 30 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers your other Legendary items with 3% bonus movement speed.
UNIQUE – HALTING SLASH:Dash up to 200 units to the target location, though not through terrain, and deal 110% AD physical damage to enemies in a 400-unit-radius circle centered around 100 units front of you, slowing them by 60% decaying over 2 seconds (20 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
Divine sundered

+20 ability haste
+40 damage
+400 health
UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 10% of target’s maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit, with a minimum damage equal to 150% of base AD and a maximum damage against monsters equal to 250% base AD. If the target is a champion, heal for ( 50% / 30%) of the pre-mitigation bonus damage dealt (1.5 second cooldown).
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers your other Legendary items with 5% armor penetration and 5% magic penetration.
Good against tanks, it is also good for champions with an empowered autoattack, like Jax, irelia or even Camille or Fiora.
Those are the basic items for bruisers! Probably more items will come but we’ll need to wait for them, at least, for now. More details will come in the future, details and buffs (or nerfs)!